The Google Play™ Store, previously known as Android Market, is a digital librairy with more than one million applications and games, but also books, newspapers, music and movies.
You will find free and paid items, which will be linked to your Google ™ account once downloaded or purchased. If you have multiple devices using Android ™, you can recover all your purchases on any of them by logging in to your Google ™ account.
The Google Play™ interface is constantly evolving to offer its users the best experience. However, its interface remains mostly the same. On the home page you have access to different media categories (apps, movies, games...), highlighted (new items, top, recommandations), search tools as well as the application menu.
Here's an example of version 4.9.13 of Google Play™
1. Google Play™ Menu
2. Search tool
3. Categories
4. Highlighted
5. Media quick menu
This arrangement may be modified From Google Play ™ versions, Including the Menu Access From the Represented Who Will be The UO Differently access request.
This menu Allows you to enter parameters of your account, auxiliary applications of Your Account Your Wish List etc ...
Google Play™ settings let you choose notifications in case of updates, set the level of content filtrering or the way your updates are dowloaded.
When you press an item (application, film, book, etc...), you are redirected to its dedicated page and leave the home page. To return to the home page, press the button Back of your device.
Please note that the dedicated pages will change over all the Google Play™ versions. Nevertheless, find below an exemple from version 4.9.13.
1. Name of the app and developer
2. Purchase/ Installation button
3. Number of dowloads
4. Button to add to wish list
5. Shortcuts for: comments / category / simlilar content
6. Return to previous page
Every dedicated page contains additional information if you scroll down. You will generally have access to screenshots, presentation videos, users comments with a rating system, the developer description / summary as well as recommandations for similar content. In dedicated pages for games & apps, you will also find all the authorizations required on your device to make it work.