How do I insert the SIM card adapter properly?

Insofar as possible, we strongly advise you to contact your network provider to give you the SIM card format corresponding to your device. However we understand that this is not always possible so your Archos smartphone will have come with a sim card adapter.


According to your mobile phone provider, you may have received a micro-SIM card format. In that case, you need to use an adapter if you have a device with standard SIM card slots only.


Insert the adapter carefully so that you do not damage the connecters. Your warranty does not include damage of the connecters.


Following the instructions below will help to avoid any return to our aftersales.


There are different types of adapters: those provided by your mobile phone provider, those you can buy in shops and those provided by Archos. Note that the insertion process is the same for all adapters.


To know if you have an adapter provided with your device, check your box content or see the technical specifications on


  • 1st step: insert you micro-SIM card in the adapter in the right direction. A sticker (1) is on your adapter to maintain your SIM card. Remove it.



  • 2nd step: Following the indicated plan on the device, insert the adapter holding the SIM card in the corresponding slot. During the insertion process, it is really important to hold the micro-SIM (2) so that it touches the device connecters while pushing down your adapter.



  • 3rd step: Push the adapter to the bottom.



 If you are having a problem pushing the adpater inside the slot, stop the process. Take out the adapter and check if the micro-SIM is correctly inserted. Also press the micro-SIM card at step 2 until you slightly twist the upper side of the adapter if necessary in order to facilitate the insertion process.

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Last update:
2015-05-07 15:40